Thursday, August 12, 2010

Membrane Warranty Issue

A client called me up complaining about the membrane that he bought from us more than a month ago. According to him, after a month of operation, the said membrane clogged up and he told me that membrane is fake because it did not last long. He even commented that he tried almost all the brands but all of them are not of good quality and that lead him to his conclusion that a lot of membrane nowadays are not the genuine one.

During our entire conversation, he did not mention anything about the configuration of his system and it's condition,even the quality of his feed water was never considered.

If you try to analyze his concern, it seems that all the failures were attributed to the membrane alone, it was really a one sided story as if ,he was able to perfect the art of membrane technology and have zeroed out the culprit which is,the membrane.

I asked him basic details about his system and the quality of his feed water but he knew nothing about it.

I asked for his technician to discuss  about the issue, but still, he was very surprise to my inquiries. The client is totally relying on the technician who knew nothing at all about the principle of reverse osmosis and yet both of them claimed that it was the membrane failure.
 "If a blind leads a blind, both will fall into the ditch."

As for membrane warranty, technically, suppliers will always deny it, not unless we were able to present pertinent data that would prove that, it is really the membrane failure, in legal parlance, you have to prove it beyond reasonable doubt,however based on our practice, no one in the commercial market is monitoring and recording such data, so, the warranty that we are discussing is just part of our imagination.

There are so many factors that could affect the membrane,we should always evaluate all the possible cause so that we can prolong the membrane's service life.

On the case of my client, no warranty will ever be considered, due to obvious reason and failure started one month after it's installation, it can be assumed that membrane's performance could have been affected by undetermined factor.

Always asked your technician or installer about system and feed water monitoring,based on my experience,it is not the factory defect, it is the technician's defect.

Always be sure of the technician or company that you are dealing with.

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